Nathan currently resides in Orlando, FL.
Nathan Spare
is a 6’2”, blonde-haired, blue-eyed AEA SAG-eligible actor and long-time performer. He has over 14 years of live performance experience as an actor, dancer, drummer, juggler, stilt walker, stunt performer, fire artist, and more. Nathan has formal training in martial arts, percussion, dance, and cheerleading. Nathan’s special skills list is longer than most resumes which leads to no surprise that he was awarded a Golden Carousel for Spotlight Performer in 2009 and two IAAPA Brass Ring Awards in 2010 and 2013.
Nathan met Justin and Clay in 2014 performing in the Monster Stomp show at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Years later they collaborated on multiple projects for JMMD and look forward to creating some truly unique productions for you to enjoy.